A Royal Family Not So Royal Anymore: A ‘Harry and Meghan’ Review


Mark Jones via Wikimedia Commons

After finally sharing their story during an interview with Oprah, Meghan and Harry took to the big screen: Netflix.

In order to get through the new Netflix documentary, Harry and Meghan, you must be either a royal family or #TeamMeghan enthusiast.

The documentary consists of six hour-long episodes. See what I mean now? I could have spent these six hours elsewhere, but instead, the royal family drama drew me in once again. Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, recently earned themselves a documentary on why they left it all and started a new life without the royals. The show features interviews with royal experts, friends, and former palace staff, as well as never-before-seen footage and photographs.

The sound of Harry and Meghan clapping back at the royal family was enough said, so I put my phone down and dove into this rabbit hole.

The docuseries delves into the couple’s struggles with the media, their relationships with other members of the royal family, and their desire for more privacy from the public, specifically the paparazzi. Viewers get a glimpse into the immense pressure that the couple faced, and the reasons behind their decision to step away from their royal duties. (Not everyone thinks the separation is permanent. Latin sophomore Allison Marlas said she thinks that “Harry and Meghan will weasel their way back into the royal family.”)

The series also touches on the couple’s philanthropic efforts and their commitment to social justice issues. Meghan talks about the royal family’s racist comments and actions toward her, and how she responded.

I loved getting an inside look into Harry and Meghan’s lives since overall they seem to be fairly private people. You get an idea of what their everyday lives look like now without the royal family. I could really tell they were loving the simplicity behind their new lives with their babies, Archie and Lilibet. The whirlwind of royalty had taken Meghan aback, and we share her feelings through it all. Meghan claims she couldn’t even walk her dog or go to work without being stalked by the paparazzi.

But even as I felt empathy for Meghan, some parts of the documentary were mildly cringey. I mean, Meghan, did I really have to know that you do 10 minutes of Duolingo before bed? Or Wordle?

If you are a fan of the royal family, or just fascinated by the lives of celebrities, this series is definitely worth a watch. But if you are not as much of a royal family buff, you might consider skipping this one.

Sophomore Danny Goodman said, “Harry and Meghan are sellouts. It’s kind of ridiculous for someone with that much power and prestige to be whining about how he was never the favorite child.” He continued, “I do understand that Meghan Markle was mistreated by the royal family, but Harry seems to have used that as an excuse to complain to the world about his issues.”

Unlike Danny, sophomore Arin Awalegaonkar loved the show. “Meghan and Harry can be an inspiration to everyone to do what you love,” Arin said. “I love how they stood up for each other and walked away from their future with true compassion.”