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The Student News Site of the Latin School of Chicago

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The Student News Site of the Latin School of Chicago

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Latin Mourns Steve Jobs

Hedy Gutfruend Editorials Editor On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, I logged onto Facebook on my trusty MacBook on what seemed to be a normal night. But instead of the ubiquitous “Truth is…” statuses that normally fill my homepage, my newsfeed quickly informed me that over twenty-five of my friends had posted about Steve Jobs’ death. This wasn’t the first time I’d heard about a celebrity’s death through Facebook, of course, but there was a very fitting feel that the man who revolutionized technology was being remembered through that very technology.   The past day, people had been complaining on Facebook because the much-anticipated iPhone 5 was far out of sight with the introduction if the iPhone 4S, but the attitude completely changed with the sad news of Jobs’ passing. The statuses that filled my newsfeed that night seemed very apropos of the solemn moment at our fingertips. As sophomore Nathan Goldberg posted, “RIP Steve Jobs. You were a truly amazing man and will never be forgotten. Thank you for all you did for the world.” And fellow sophomore Nadja Knox mourned both her MacBook’s hard drive and its creator, posting, “My hard drive died with Steve Jobs. RIP to a great man.”   Steve Jobs recently had stepped down from his position CEO of Apple in August 2011 due to his battle with pancreatic cancer. His life, though, was one of many successes. The influence he has had on our world ranges from iMacs to iPads to iPods and even to Pixar technology. His fifty-six years were full of innovation and inspiration.   Steve Jobs’ legacy will not soon be forgotten—particularly not at Latin . I dare you to make it through the hallway without seeing one of Jobs’ signature Apple products. It’s hard to imagine what our lives would look like without his influence. His technology has revolutionized the world. Future generations will look at times before Apple products took over the world and wonder how we survived without having an iPhone or Mac software. But for now, all we can do is remember the joy and the tragedy that was the life of Steve Jobs. And there seems no better way to think of his influence than in his own wise words that he said at Stanford University’s commencement in 2005. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” He certainly did not waste his time.]]>

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  • K

    kkoppulaNov 11, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    wasn’t he mean to his employees?

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The Student News Site of the Latin School of Chicago
Latin Mourns Steve Jobs