Wherever this edition of The Forum finds you, whether at a college visit, postseason sports match, or on your living room couch, we hope it offers an opportunity to step back from your tasks at hand and unwind.
October seems to always be a month in which our community is a little divided; that is, everybody has different things on their minds. So we’ll address you by class –
Freshmen: You’ve made it through two(ish) full months of high school! That’s cause for celebration in and of itself – perhaps even treat yourself to a movie night after reading David Tempone’s review of IT 2.
Sophomores: We hope your first standardized test (the PSAT) went relatively well! To snap out of the post-testing headache, support your classmate Ava Parekh by reading Lucy Mitchell’s Athlete of the Issue feature.
Juniors: Junior year isn’t so bad…right? Sure, there’s plenty of work to be done, but it’s nothing you aren’t all capable of. Take a few minutes off and read Bea Parr’s uplifting article on the Chicago Marathon.
Seniors: Ah, College. It must be pretty stressful if even Alice says she won’t have much time for The Forum this month. Regardless, it’ll be over soon(ish), and, in the meantime, relive Homecoming weekend by reading Emilia Rose’s detailed recap.
So, happy reading!
Leave a comment if you feel so inspired.
All the best,
Peter and Alice
Letter From the Editors 10.18.19
October 18, 2019

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