Our warmest welcome to the new and improved site. Of course, just when we’re leaving does this year-in-the-making idea come to fruition. We, however, couldn’t be more proud nor more confident in the incredible things next year’s editors will do with it.
Too many thank-yous, too few existing words to express them wholly.
To Ms. Lawrence and Mr. Greer, thank you for supporting our choice to publish powerful anonymous pieces this year and helping us establish a system to make doing so a responsible journalistic pursuit.
To Mr. Simon and Latin IT, thank you for making this site happen. It’s beyond us how you transferred all the articles from the old site to this new one, but we appreciate the time you generously put into this project.
To our gifted staff, thank you for your patient, meticulous work. You’ve taken on the task of capturing Latin’s history—a challenging task, might we add, and not fit for just any student— and you’ve done it with utter poise. More than Pulitzer-worthy journalists, you’re exceptional story-tellers. You can liberate people with your words. We love you shiploads.
To our extraordinary faculty advisor, Mr. Tempone. You guided us along the winding path that was this year’s Forum. For all our ups and downs, U-turns and sharp corners, you were right there with us. Your “I stand with you” email in October made the five of us take a collective deep breath. You’ve picked us up, dusted us off, inundated us much-needed wisdom, and helped us keep going. You provided us the perfect amount of freedom to put in place our own vision for the Forum, and the perfect amount of healthy critique to counteract that freedom.
To Charlie Gofen for sponsoring the Forum awards and dinner — a new tradition that has furthered the legitimacy of the Forum in the Latin community and given editors and writers alike a heightened sense of pride in this paper.
Alice, we love you with all our hearts. Cliché though it may be, you have been a constant source of joy for each of us this past year. Your selfies of you laughing at things we would otherwise find frustrating; your fervent advocacy for the Forum; and the support you’ve provided (in the form of coffee for Lily; lavender ice cream for Olivia; FaceTimes for Margo; and meticulous lists of who hasn’t turned their articles in for Stephanie) has made this year ten million times better. We are profoundly grateful for you. The Forum is lucky to get one more bittersweet with you: you’re unstoppable when you’re Forum-ing.
The relationships formed between co-editors of the Forum surely differ each year, yet early on in the first semester we established that the best analogy for our unit is a family, naming our beloved group chat “Forum Fam [insert coffee cup emoji].” But that family, we understood, extended beyond the Editorial team, even our staff and overseers.
The Forum wouldn’t exist without each person who reads it.
So thank you, reader. Thank you for being patient with us. For deeming this pursuit worth your while. And for trusting us with your stories.
Please, please, please have a superb summer break and subscribe to our new site.
And, while we’re gone, we urge you to read, if you feel so inclined, as you bask in the heat. Write, if you get the chance. But, most importantly, take time for yourself to recharge. You deserve it. All of you.
Continue to seek stories on your own. Continue to seek the truth.
And with that in mind, we’ll give you a peek into next year.
Below are the 2019/2020 Editors:
Alice Bolandhemat (EIC)
Peter Jones (EIC)
Robert Igbokwe (EIC)
Bea Parr (EIC)
Tejas Vadali (Managing)
Paige Hosbein (Media Editor)
rigbokwe • Jun 5, 2019 at 5:18 pm
Thank you so much for everything you all have done for the Forum!! We’ll try our best to take care of it while you’re gone!! 🙂 🙂