Chris Maurice
Columnist/Staff Writer
This edition of Coffee with Chris, I sat down with junior Brian Lorenz. Brian met me in the lobby, and we walked over to Starbucks. Once there, Brian kindly declined my offer to get him something, even though I insisted. We sat down at the bar table, facing the windows and Brian and I talked about a wide variety of things.
This year, Brian’s favorite classes are his AP chemistry class, Hon. Physics, and Intro to Mathematics ISP. Brian is also part of the robotics team, scholastic bowl, swim team, and water polo team. What can’t he do? Brian considers himself a math and science guy, but he also enjoys English. He loved reading Into the Wild over the summer, and many of the other books this year in his English class. He also likes the Hunger Games series, the second one, Catching Fire, being his favorite. Brian attempted to read the Harry Potter series, but it just did not interest him. Who would have known!
Each morning Brian naturally gets up at 6:30, even though he lives two blocks away from school. He then plays some videogames, relaxing him for the upcoming day. He takes the 5-minute walk to school, which, according to Brian, can seem like forever when it is freezing outside. After school, Brian goes to swim practice, and then returns home at around 6:30 p.m.; starving after his swim practice, he immediately eats his dinner. He will play with his 10-year-old sister for a bit, then start his homework. Somehow Brian manages to keep up with his schoolwork and sleep well throughout the night, usually going to bed around 10 o’clock. Brian enjoys the free time when he has it, and likes to play story-driven video games, such as Grand Theft Auto, on his new PS4.
What’s surprising to hear is that Brian cannot remember the last time he got a tardy. He loves coming to school everyday, excited to expand his knowledge. Brian does not know what he wants to be when he is older, but is expecting it to be something involved with math or science. Brian loves all the lunches in the cafeteria because they are of such high quality. If he had to choose a favorite lunch, however, it would either be crepes or burritos—he is willing to wait in those long lines for those. If there is one food he would add to the cafeteria menu, Brian would add his favorite pie, French Silk.
Brian is great at holding conversations, and is really down to earth; he listens and provides great feedback. I challenged Brian in a scholastic bowl competition right there in the Starbucks, and like one could have guessed, he knows way more than I do, and it didn’t end well. After just a few questions I gave up. See if you can take on Brian—stop and say hello!]]>
mporzenh • Feb 19, 2014 at 3:37 am
Hmmm, maybe I should meet this fellow