Student Government Announces New Leadership

Armaan Shah

Grade representatives and the student government executive board at a morning meeting before school.

Democracy has made its decision. The results for the 2023-24 student government representatives are in, and with 307 votes, this year’s election yielded a high voter turnout of approximately 81 percent. Fourteen candidates competed for a spot on the leadership board, and the victors are as follows: Diego Miranda as Latin’s Senior Prefect, Asher Schenk as Junior Prefect, Sammy Rubinov as Communications Prefect, Madisen Humphrey as Social Prefect, and Aidan Hart as Co-Curricular Prefect.

These five students were chosen by the Upper School student body to represent student interests and concerns for the upcoming school year. Their terms will start at the conclusion of this school year and will be in full swing when students return in the fall.

Student government advisor Suzanne Callis said, “The role of student government is to be the voice of the students collectively in all things related to the school. So that could be bringing ideas to admin, or trying to action ideas from the student body. That could be them working on projects that they think would better the school in some way.”

It has been an unprecedented couple of years for student government, as they have needed to represent the student body via Zoom and redesign traditional community activities like dances and the homecoming games. Fortunately, those student leaders’ efforts to rebuild a foundation of Latin traditions and community have paved the way for this government’s work ahead.

Diego, the incoming Senior Prefect, wants to showcase all of the different identities that make up Latin’s student body. Though he ran unopposed, Diego still shared ideas and goals throughout his campaign. “I would like for Latin to become a more tight-knit community,” he said. “I plan to do this by continuing to make community and gathering time about highlighting those who are doing great things around the school, whether that be a club, affinity, etc. I feel as a school it’s important to be aware of those with different identities and backgrounds, because, honestly, that’s what makes Latin such a great community.”

Returning as Social Prefect for the second year, incoming senior Madisen is excited to continue to plan events like Homecoming, Winter Carnival, Winter Ball, and Prom. “I want to see more hype and excitement around Latin events,” she said. “I don’t specifically want to only change the way that the student body interacts with events and activities we plan, I want to change the way that Latin students remember their high school years. I want Latin students to remember a student government that provided amazing activities and events.”

Next year’s Co-Curricular Prefect, Aidan, was inspired to run by current Co-Curricular Prefect Alice Mihas.

“I had never known or thought about running for Co-Curricular Prefect prior to her winning the position,” Aidan said. “And after my amazing experience at Field Day this year, I knew that we needed someone who cared about Latin events to hold the position once more. On top of that, I wanted student government to have the perspective of an African American [male] who attends the school. I feel that diversity of race, gender and ideas is essential for a successful student government.”

Aidan outlined big plans. “For next year, I plan to implement a student announcer for basketball games, halftime performances, and more games with fun prizes. On top of that, the rumors are true: I will be working all summer to bring Latin their very first hype crew for the big games. I am also already in the works of continuing Field Day next year and possibly implementing some other events as well.”

With the campaign slogan, “Spread Love, Vote Hart,” Aidan’s entire campaign centered on his idea of Latin being one big family. He wants to make sure that every student feels this way.

Next year’s Communications Prefect, Sammy, will be the new facilitator for gatherings, which is when the entire US community comes together.

“My goals are to make gatherings fun for everybody and have everybody looking forward to run-downs and what’s going on in the community,” Sammy said. “I would like to see gatherings become more relaxed and a more chill environment rather than the current vibe of getting talked at by whoever is on stage.”

Each student on the leadership board has ambitious plans for next year. They all look forward to continuing the tradition of excellence in leadership and keeping their eyes open for changes needed in the community.

Ms. Callis said, “I have been blessed with many years of students who have really invested in student government and their roles, both grade reps and leadership board. I hope [next year’s student government] takes pride in what they are doing, and I hope they commit to it.”