Hey, hey— We hope you enjoyed the midweek weekend yesterday and the day before. Whether you were sitting close enough to the fireplace that it felt like it was burning your back… throwing boiling water at the things you hate outside because it’ll evaporate anyway… going stir crazy with your family… shedding a tear for Litfest… or drinking hot cocoa… watching your favorite show… and maybe getting together with some friends, it was nice to have the days off. The polar vortex was lots of different things for all of us, but for Lily, Stephanie, and me it was an opportunity to make this issue that absolute best it can be. Our writers did an outstanding job, and we couldn’t be more proud of them. If you wrote for this issue, consider this note a virtual hug from us. We hope you enjoy it. Sending love and warmth! Margs & Lil]]>
Letter From The Editors 2.2.19
February 2, 2019