To Olivia — Wow!!! Our last issue of 2018! To say that time has flown by is an understatement. Thank you for being a rockstar and a role model to me always. From obsessing over archives to scramming to think of headlines, I couldn’t ask for a better editing partner in crime. I can’t wait to finish out the school year with you, my fellow Forum fiend! I’m sorry that pneumonia claimed my editing skills for this issue<333 Love, Alice __________________ Alice — When you responded to my text on Tuesday with, “I’m just having some trouble breathing so they are taking some quick blood work and x rays to look into it[…] but when I get home I’ll take a look,” I knew I was the most #blessed Forum editor in Latin’s history. Alice, you have a real gift. Not only did you meticulously edit each of these articles with pneumonia and are just divine to work with every two weeks, you’re eerily good at creating headlines. Like, scary good. It’s both heartening and intimidating. I love you, my fellow Rachel Stone-worshipper, and I can’t wait for what crazy adventures lie ahead for us. Warmly, Olivia <3 P.S. We’re also incredibly thankful for the rest of the editorial board, Lily, Margo, Stephanie, and Mr. Tempone, and all of our downright brilliant writers. You make our jobs exciting and easy. We love you.]]>
Letter From the Editors 12.13.18
December 12, 2018