Happy homecoming!
Homecoming’s supposed to be the official mark of the start of school, but we’re having a hard time believing that.
We’re three weeks in, it’s 10:08 on a Sunday night, and we’re both swamped with homework, afraid to look at Romannet. This issue of the Forum gets it: We’ve been punched in the face, dragged to Funkytown and back, Pikachosen to say goodbye to our summers, been trying to decide whether or not the maple syrup soda deserves seconds, but can all still appreciate John Schuler on the soccer field.
So tomorrow, recover from your 4-hour rest with pajama day while you sip coffee in the cafeteria while reading the Katz Meow and listening to the Forum’s new Spotify account. And if you see either of these faces in the hallways, wish us luck.
Danielle and Madeline ]]>
Letter From the Editors: 9/18/16
September 18, 2016