Welcome to 2016! As the new year rolled in, Maddie and Danielle sat around the the fireplace drinking hot cocoa, pondering how to bring the best Forum edition to kick 2016 off on the right foot. While other students vowed to drink fewer Peppermint Mochas this winter and to turn their homework in on time, Maddie and Danielle made resolutions for the greatest thing to ever grace the hallways of Latin: The Forum.
- To discover the places that students have never seen before in Latin history.
- To meet the new Upper School Director: Monica Pickett.
- To find out why caution tape has replaced the big stall in the 4th floor bathrooms.
- To uncover the social acceptability of posting college admissions on social media.
- To never say “this edition has articles ranging from ______ to ______” ever again.
- To come up with more great puns like “Merry Friptmas!”
- To offer our much-needed apologies to our registrars for flooding their inboxes.
- To be sure to cherish our time with Brianna and Chris, as we know our time working with them is coming to an end.