The Forum, fourth quarter brings all three. Yes, it’s that time of year again—audition season for next year’s editor-in-chief. This issue is written (almost) exclusively by those who are trying out for next year’s editorial positions. So while you prepare along with me to mourn the natural chain of events of Mehr, Tina, and Rachel graduating, you can get excited at the prospect of Michael Gross, Will Nuelle, Frani O’Toole, Jacob Pharoah, Henry Pollock, Aidan Sarazen, and Blaike Young beginning to take the reins of editing The Forum. And I’ll still be here. Until then, enjoy this issue, an issue that is all about voice. As prospective editors-in-chief share insight about their Project Weeks, the stress Latin students experience, ethics, and more, we also hear the voice of one anonymous student who struggled with an eating disorder in our first ever letter to the editors in response to Rachel Stone’s “Latin Girl Lunch.” Keep reading and keep commenting to share your own voice in response to our writers’ voices. Yours, Hedy]]>
Letter from the Editor: 4/1/13
March 31, 2013