Henry Coleman This year, student government is aiming to be as transparent as possible. We’d like to encourage this year’s theme of action and follow through on promises made by our members. So in the spirit of doing just that, we’ve decided to write an update on current and upcoming activities in student government. Getting the whole school’s input on decisions we make is essential to doing our job well, and through this update, we hope to give everyone a better idea of what goes on regularly in meetings and to make student government a more involved part of the Latin community. For much of the first quarter, student government has been busy planning for spirit week and homecoming, both of which were great successes. The pep rally was a high point for spirit week, and we intend to host another one during the winter, spring, or both. Now that homecoming has passed, though, we’re turning our view towards Halloween and Thanksgiving. To celebrate Halloween, we’re going to host another costume competition during an assembly on the 31st, as the one last year was a big hit. Around Thanksgiving, we may do a gathering where members of student government read-out anonymous appreciations. For those students and faculty who were at Latin last year, student government felt that having that gathering was a great, heartwarming way to bring the community closer together during the holiday season, and we intend to host it again. Be on the lookout in November for a Google form where you will be able to submit those anonymous appreciations giving thanks to someone else in the school. In the more distant future is the Winter Ball, which will once again be held in the Field gym. Student government will be hard at work brainstorming another fun theme for the dance, but we would love to get as many ideas as possible from the student body as well. As of right now, those are all of the major events that student government has planned, but we are also working on smaller projects and responding to more targeted feedback from students. Some things that have been discussed in student government meetings include the following: The servery and café hours have been updated to be more convenient for students, which hopefully alleviates some concerns regarding that. We have been working to place a suggestion box in some part of the Learning Commons so that there is a space for anyone who wants to anonymously give us feedback to do so. The grade representatives for each grade have been trying to make sure that as much of their respective grades as possible follow their social media accounts, which student government is trying to make into a casual forum for announcements that is more easily accessible than RomanNet or email. Throughout the year, each set of grade reps will host a gathering that will give the students a chance to get to know them better and participate in a fun activity; the first one of these will be on October 30th with the sophomore grade reps. Many more ideas and pieces of feedback didn’t make it into this update, but the student government would like to let everyone know that their suggestions are being heard and processed. For now, however, the above comprises the bulk of what we’re working on as a group right now. In the future, more of these updates will be published in the Forum, but as always, if anyone has questions about what is going on in student government, they are free to ask any of its members. Student Government Contact Information: Senior Prefect: Jonah Schenk – [email protected] Junior Prefect: Michael Meagher – [email protected] Communications Chair: Robert Kelly – [email protected] Social Chair: Joe Kennedy – [email protected] Freshman Grade Reps: Phoebe Lembeck – [email protected] Gavin Snyder – [email protected] Charlie Williams – [email protected] Shreya Wojno – [email protected] Sophomore Grade Reps: Pamela Cameron – [email protected] Henry Coleman – [email protected] Peter Jones – [email protected] Cole Lindemann – [email protected] Junior Grade Reps: Savannah Brock – [email protected] Nick Chu – [email protected] Jessica Flohr – [email protected] Maya Passman – [email protected] Senior Grade Reps: Olivia Baker – [email protected] Adam Cole – [email protected] Stephanie Racker – [email protected] Margo Williams – [email protected]]]>
What's Student Gov Up To?
October 21, 2018
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