This week, meet senior Wyatt Parr, a singer, aspiring doctor, and Peach Steaz enthusiast.
Wyatt Parr (WP)
Lizzy Miller (LM)
What activity is most important to you?
Outside of school, I spend a lot of time in choir with Uniting Voices Chicago. It's the most important because I’ve been a part of the organization since fourth grade. It has been a big part of my life growing up.
Have you gone anywhere cool with Uniting Voices?
The summer after my freshman year, I got to go to Egypt, which was really cool. The summer before this year I went to Mexico, and during sophomore year I went to New York City to perform on Saturday Night Live.
What is your favorite part of that community?
We all have a shared interest in music, and we work together to make music, and also just the fact that I have known so many of them since fourth grade.
How do you intend to spend the rest of your senior year?
I want to branch out more and talk to more people.
What are you looking forward to most?
I’m looking forward to the very end of the year, like Class Day and Prom. As an underclassman, I always looked up to the seniors and thought they were so old, but now we are doing all the senior activities, and it feels very full circle.
Do you have any party tricks or special talents?
I can sing!
As a singer, if you were to listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Maybe “All I Ask” by Adele.
What is your favorite thing to get from the kiosk?
A Peach Steaz, of course. Except they need to grow their stocking of the Peach Steaz, because they run out. I feel like they restock once a week and then run out in a day because everyone loves them so much.
You’re attending Brown University in the fall. What do you think will be your go-to coffee shop drink there?
We’ll see if they have Peach Steaz in Providence, but I don’t know too much about the logistics of their coffee shops. I’m excited to discover new elixirs, but I hope they have Peach Steaz.
What academic area most interests you?
I love math, but also biology. I want to go on a pre-med track during college, and I want to use the mathematics to help people.
What advice would you give to an incoming freshman at Latin?
I would tell them to branch out and talk to as many people as they can, and that high school goes by very quickly. I would also tell them to join many clubs freshman year.
Natasha • Feb 5, 2025 at 11:04 am
the mathematics