Kaya Romeo Guest Writer Every year the Latin School presents a production that is entirely student run, and every year I forget how incredibly talented a student body we have. The student-run program allows for students to get a chance to be completely in control an entire production (from acting to directing to set and even lighting design) and enables the school to see the results. This year’s student run production was Rabbit Hole by David Lindsay-Abiare, a play chronicling a family’s struggle to overcome the loss of a child. A somber and realistic ensemble piece interspersed with moments of subtle levity, this play showcased the dramatic range of the actors and actresses while also highlighting the deft directing skills of Emily Gaynor and Nick Lehmann. Becca and Howie (played by Junior Grace Brandt and Senior Sam Graff) must deal with the death of their child as well as the discovery that Becca’s sister, Izzie (Senior Rebecca Rokacz) is having a child of her own while Becca and her mother Nat (Junior Kristen Garrett) fight and bond over the fact that they both lost children. Becca also must help Jason, the boy who hit her son (Freshman Charlie Fox) with his grief. In my opinion, the student-run cast did an excellent job capturing the tangible emotions of grief and acceptance (something that can, of course, be credited to the two student directors). My positive review was not the only one: Sophomore Jake Scholssberg mentioned that “one of the most noticeable things [he] saw while [he] was watching Rabbit Hole was Emily Gaynor and Nick Lehmann sitting in the back of the theatre in the seat generally reserved for directors.” He admitted that “their nervousness was tangible; something that gave [him] a greater appreciation for the work they put in to this production.” This tradition of student run theatre is very much appreciated by the students at the Latin School. Nick Lehmann describes it as “one of [his] most incredible and rewarding experiences at Latin…we learned so much and gained so much. The student run is an extremely important tradition. It’s a different process of theatre at Latin that shows how much work is put into a show. We really get to see what directors do and the people who run tech at school because we get little help from faculty.” As well, Nick encouraged everyone who has a chance to take part in the student-run to do so, “whether it is to direct, act, or tech the show, should. It is incredibly rewarding.” Nick’s co-director Emily Gaynor mentioned that “directing the student run was immensely stressful, but the small cast really encouraged a lot of bonding. Watching the show being performed was like a continuous victory. It was definitely a valuable experience and not just in the theater world. Leadership and compromise are things that are used in virtually every aspect of life. The student production is definitely an important tradition. Its a way for Latin students to create meaningful art in a way that they have likely never had the chance to before.” For those who took part, the student-run production was a perfect final curtain to an era of Latin theatre. ]]>
Hole Thoughts
May 15, 2012