Letters From the Class of 2020: Dash Rierson
May 8, 2020
Latin is a place of undeniable, sometimes infuriating, privilege. That is a reality that underscores every interaction and every conversation at and about Latin. It has become a cliche to talk about luxurious Project Weeks, million-dollar mansions, and the ridiculousness of mood lighting for a cafeteria. But as easy as it is to trash Latin at times, I’ve found myself missing the school more and more during this quarantine.
Well, maybe not the school per se, but certainly the people. Whether by luck or by design, Latin has produced and attracted some of the most important individuals in my life. More than anything, that is what I missed in the past few weeks.
I don’t think I realized how important the community of teachers and students as a whole meant to me. Obviously, I love every one of my friends and value every one of my teachers but neglected how, together, they made Latin such a special place for me for the last six years.
For most of my time at Latin, especially at this point in the year when minds turn from schoolwork to summer, I would’ve been shocked if you told me that I would be feeling sentimental. Sentimental for advisory, for Logic, Rhetoric and Ethics, for Gallery 2, for baseball, squash, and especially freshman basketball.
But I am sentimental for all these pockets of people who have filled out the hours of my life. I’m not sure that I’m in a position yet to give advice to anyone, but I would hope that every student at Latin finds those pockets that make going to school every day bearable.
Some of these pockets will invariably be lost. Inside jokes will be forgotten and friendships will drift apart. That’s terrifying to me, and I know it’s terrifying to the seniors who are afraid we’ll never get to properly say goodbye.
But another part of me is hopeful. Hopeful about the many more bonds that will be strengthened and friendships that will be kept. In a time where everything seems to change daily and nothing is definitive, I have never felt more grounded. I have never felt more confident and lucky that I made the right decisions and the right friends.
The reason why I’m so certain? I have never missed them more than I do now.
To the Class of 2020, to my teachers, and to Latin—Thank you.
All the Best,
gabo • May 9, 2020 at 4:34 pm
Annie Goldenberg • May 8, 2020 at 10:53 pm
Dash, I loved hearing your story and I’m so glad to have been in advisory with you. Thank you for submitting this.