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Student Investment Fund Reaches Historic Milestone

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Stock chart
Yorgos Ntrahas

The Latin School Investment Fund (LSIF) reached $100,000 in total assets last semester for the first time in the club’s history, doubling the amount initially invested in 2016. Current and past fund members celebrated this impressive milestone, which marked years of hard work and thoughtful investment strategy.
LSIF members have employed many techniques to grow the Fund to $100,000. Senior Danny Goodman, a member of LSIF since 2022, stressed the importance of analyzing recent news and market trends when making financial decisions. Developments in AI and the decline in inflation rates are two recent instances of fund members using news and trends for potential investment gains.
Investing in large and well-established “blue chip” companies is known in financial circles as the easiest and safest way for long-term portfolio growth. However, deep and focused research and analysis can often result in more significant gains. To reach the $100,000 mark, LSIF members diversified their assets over the years, reaching beyond blue-chip stocks and into more niche-focused investments.
“This group has made some really prudent investments after digging hard to find quality companies,” Danny said.

Members use analytical and instinctive skills to help LSIF excel beyond its goals. "Evaluating stocks with a more unbiased lens has allowed us to avoid some investments that wouldn't have added profit to our portfolio, " said Senior Andres De Marco, one of the Fund’s members. “We have worked on continuously assessing whether or not we should sell a stock to be more methodical with our timing."
Whether evaluating current investments or perusing the news to look for potential stocks, LSIF members have put in great effort to achieve the $100,000 in assets today.
Junior Ari Fayne said, “We spent a lot of time outside the club researching companies and industries to help make more informed decisions.”
Depending on the number of graduating members, LSIF chooses students through a selective application process. Investing a large sum of money in the stock market can serve as a jumpstart for a potential career in business by providing students with a strong understanding of financial literacy and investment strategies.
Since the Fund began with an anonymous $50,000 donation, it has quickly become one of Latin's most selective clubs.

In spring 2024, upwards of 40 students applied, and only three were selected as new members for this school year. Instead of a simple sign-up sheet, the elaborate application process includes a written test and a stock pitch.
Current members evaluate each candidate's ability to use business problem-solving strategies and employ a strong understanding of the stock market.
Junior Darina Koedjikova was among last year’s selected applicants. "I would say the application process was fine because I put in the time to study and go over the terminology to prepare for both portions of the test," she said.
LSIF members plan to continue expanding the Fund’s investment possibilities, allowing for more milestones.
Andres said, “I’d like us to continue to explore investing in different asset classes such as bonds.”

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About the Contributor
Charlie Yannias
Charlie Yannias, Staff Writer
Charlie Yannias (’26) is a junior who is ecstatic to be a staff writer for The Forum this year. He enjoys reading and writing about finance, the economy, and sports. Outside of writing for The Forum, Charlie plays for the varsity boys lacrosse and hockey teams and is an avid photographer and videographer.

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