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Traveling the World of Avery Hellweg

Juniors Avery Hellweg (left) and Peyton Remmer after winning the IHSA 2A girls volleyball sectionals.
Juniors Avery Hellweg (left) and Peyton Remmer after winning the IHSA 2A girls volleyball sectionals.
Darien Ramirez

This week, let’s meet junior Avery Hellweg, a varsity girls volleyball player and aspiring world traveler.

Lizzy Miller (LM): What is the extracurricular activity you are most involved in?

Avery Hellweg (AH): I am the most involved with volleyball because I do girls volleyball in the fall and then I manage boys volleyball in the spring, so it takes up a lot of my time.

LM: What is your favorite part of the volleyball community at Latin?

AH: Everyone is really nice. [The team is] very “work hard and play hard,” and it’s fun to be with people who have the same interests as you and also want to work really hard.

LM: What is your favorite memory from volleyball?

AH: Our team hosted a Dig-Pink game this year to raise money for breast cancer research.

LM: What has been your favorite part of your junior year so far?

AH: I am really excited for Prom because we get to go as a grade this year. I am also really excited to get standardized testing over with because I have been spending a lot of time preparing.

LM: What do you want to accomplish this year?

AH: I want to make sure that I work the hardest I can and be proud of everything I get to accomplish. I want to make sure I approach everything I do with passion, and that I don’t procrastinate.

LM: What is on your bucket list?

AH: I want to visit all seven continents of the world. I think that’s a really cool thing to do and not many people do it.

LM: Where specifically do you want to travel?

AH: I want to go to Antarctica. People don’t really go there that often, but the wildlife there is super cool.

LM: What is your Project Week this year?

AH: My Project Week is the South Africa exchange, which I am super excited about. I am excited to embrace a new atmosphere and also host them next year.

LM: What is the soundtrack to your life right now?

AH: I really like the Silk Sonic album, because I feel like that is more upbeat. Something upbeat and fun for sure.

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About the Contributor
Lizzy Miller
Lizzy Miller, Continuous Coverage and Media Editor
Lizzy Miller (’25) is a senior at Latin who is excited to return to The Forum as the Continuous Coverage Editor and Co-Media Editor this year. This is Lizzy’s third year writing for The Forum, and she loves highlighting all sports, events, and activities happening within Latin’s walls. Outside of The Forum, Lizzy is a member of the Student Service Learning Board and the Latin Student Investment Fund. She is excited to continue writing for The Forum this year!

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