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Arts Enthusiast Keelyn Smey

Sophomore Keelyn Smey is involved with theater at Latin, along with other arts.
Sophomore Keelyn Smey is involved with theater at Latin, along with other arts.
Keelyn Smey

Meet sophomore Keelyn Smey, who uses theater, painting, poetry, and makeup to engage with all things art.

Scarlet Gitelson (SG): What is one thing that you’re really looking forward to right now?

Keelyn Smey (KS): I’m excited for the show, but I’m also really excited for the show to be over so that I can take a very long nap.

SG: What’s the show this year?

KS: “Failure: A Love Story.”

SG: Why do you like theater?

KS: I’ve always enjoyed acting, and I think I’m pretty good at it. I can fake cry—that’s a fun fact. Which is really fun to freak people out with. But I just always have loved the theater community and my friends in theater. I feel like it’s a very accepting space most of the time. I feel like I can really be myself there, and also get to act and do these things that I like. But I think even if I wasn’t into acting, I’d probably do tech or something because I have a really good time doing it.

SG: What’s an example of Latin’s theater community?

KS: What we do before shows where we do warm-ups, and we’ll do them with [Upper School performing arts teacher Frank] Schneider. Those are pretty fun to do. [Also] just talking backstage in the green room, because even if we’re not supposed to be talking and we’re supposed to be quiet, we’re usually talking anyway.

SG: Is there any particular role that stands out to you as your favorite role you’ve ever had in the Latin production?

KS: Not really. I like the role that I have now because I’m a bird in this show, and I get to do a lot of [happy] dancing around, kind of thing. I think it’s pretty fun. I enjoy doing that, but I’ve never had a lead role. At least not yet.

SG: Outside of theater, what do you think is like your most unique hobby?

KS: I paint, I sketch, I draw, I like doing makeup with my huge makeup case, I like to crochet, [and] I like hanging out with my little cousins. Oh, I write poetry a lot. I do so many things, and I can’t remember any of them. Well, I do theater. I sing—I’m in Romanettes, the a cappella group. I can’t think of anything else right now. Oh, I do printmaking stuff sometimes.

SG: What got you into doing makeup?

KS: When I was in seventh grade, I liked how eyeliner looked, so I pleaded with my mom to let me get eyeliner and mascara. And she did. I would occasionally do, like, a very big wing, and then she would not like it, and I had to take it off before school, which was very sad. But I think just doing that, because I loved putting on makeup in the morning and stuff like that. Putting on mascara, even though I don’t wear it every day now, I think [is what] probably started it. And then I started seeing people doing fun eyeliner looks that weren’t just like black winged eyeliner. So there [are] more fun things that you can do with makeup, and there [are] so many ways that you can enhance your features. And I just think it’s really cool.

SG: If you could describe your personality as any color, what would it be?

KS: I guess green, because I feel like green can be soothing and stuff like that, but it can also be bright.

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About the Contributor
Scarlet Gitelson
Scarlet Gitelson, Managing and Standards Editor
Scarlet Gitelson (‘26) is delighted to be serving as one of this year’s Managing and Standards Editors. Using her writing, she seeks to promote connection and discourse within the Latin community, and encourages other writers to do the same. Covering content as far-reaching as plastic duck figurines, anti-LGBTQ+ language, or student of the week, Scarlet is always up for the challenge of a new story. When she isn’t writing for The Forum, she can be found competing on Latin’s Math, Scholastic Bowl, Robotics, and Ultimate Frisbee teams, listening to Maisie Peters, re-watching Oppenheimer for the ninth time, or diving into a fun physics textbook.

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