Carla McSweeney
Students listening to Andrea Amico ’99 present during the Life After Latin event.
More than 30 alumni spanning graduating classes from 1969 to 2018 returned to Latin on February 6 to participate in the annual Life After Latin event.
In the weeks leading up to the event, students signed up for an alumni panel in a field they were interested in. The options encompassed a wide breadth of careers, including law, education, medicine, finance, and more.
During the panels, students were able to hear about each alum’s experience at Latin, the path that led them to their current positions, and what their lives look like today. Students posed questions and had opportunities to foster relationships with members of the alumni network.
Senior Avani Shah, who listened to the marketing and sales panel, said, “The alum I listened to does something totally different than she had planned, so I think the biggest thing I took away from it was regardless of my major in college there are a lot of careers available.”